
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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rendez-vous à l'hôtel... (Sex Story gay)

** NEW **
Published by : docile75 the 23/04/2024 in the Gay erotic stories
C'est assez rapidement que j'ai accepté ce "plan" avec Hugo en somme.Quelques échanges sur le tchat seulement ontOui 35h provoqué en moi des échauffements sanguins dans le bas ventre.Il faut dire que mes photos sur ma fiche sont explicites, ainsi la glace se brise vite quand commencent les échanges, ils sont vites plutôt directs ces échanges...Quoi qu'il en soit, après cette petite demi heure à se caler, à se chauffer sur la messagerie, rendez-vous était pris pour ce soir après le travail.La see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Submission/domination, European
It was this missed appointment that brought me into this store.Almost two hours to kill in the Montparnasse district and enough useless things at home to take yet another trip to Fnac or the shops on rue de Rennes.It's hot, I don't want to encourage the scam business of drinking poorly served mousse for 10 bucks so I walk a little... I have time and I never usually have it, I'm always running after and there, I don't know how to exploit this time that providence has just entrusted to me... which see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Mature, First time, Submission/domination, Fetish, European
I matched with a guy on a network. He is active, rather dominant, macho. He is looking for a slut to dominate and fuck. We meet at the sauna to get to know each other. I like the sauna for the first time because you're immediately in the mood, if you don't like it you can have fun with the other guys, and if you like it, you can lock yourself in a cabin , or have threesomes, foursomes, ... The guy is faithful to his description. Big, heavy, thick, hairy, an average but very thick cock. We go straight see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination
I arrive around 1 p.m. It's Friday so a priori fewer people than the weekend, but it's already quite full. I go down to do a sauna to relax, and start to get in the mood. Then I go to the top floor in the back room. There I start to suck and get fucked. I'm on Prep so guys squirt wherever they want and how they want. I'm here to empty their balls, obediently. After more than an hour I start to have my ass well dilated by some big cocks. I'm in the back room blowing a guy, leaning forward, when I see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Maghrebin, Threesomes
2015.Voila quelques temps que je réside sur Valence.L'hivers de temps en temps je m'offre un petit sauna en fin de journée le dimanche. A cette époque passé 18h, l'entrée était à demi tarif.J'y venais principalement pour me détendre et me réchauffer.J'adore les saunas.Le hammam dans cet etablissement n'est pas propice aux caresses discrettes. Trop lumineux et des éspèces de sieges moulés dans du plastic dur, pas très confortables.Impossible de s'allonger.J'y ai tout de même connu quelques see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Sodomy, First time

Petite nuit sm (Sex Story gay)

Published by : DOCILE the 16/06/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
Dans ma vingt-cinquième année, en déplacement à Bordeaux, je décide de faire un tour dans un sex-shop près de la gare. Dimanche soir, 22h00, il n’y a pas grand monde. Deux vieux, la soixantaine bien passée qui me regardent déambuler entre les rayons de cassettes vidéo. Je m’arrête sur le rayon « gay » et commence à prendre et retourner les cassettes pour lire le descriptif. L’un des vieux c’est rapproché de moi et je senti sa main effleurer mes fesses. Le deuxième see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Submission/domination, BDSM, Threesomes

my 1st fist (Sex Story gay)

Published by : lopedocile56 the 20/01/2020 in the Gay erotic stories
After my deflowering as a rule by my football coach, I stayed with him for several months, he took me at least once a week, most of the time he was alone but it happened that he was accompanied by one of his many friends and in general he started by watching me suck the other guy, sometimes until he empties his juice in my mouth, I didn't like the cum except his, it's weird but it's true his sperm was well concentrated and not liquid I liked. Then either his boyfriend took me or he sodomized me One see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Ados, Submission/domination

Surpris en voiture (Sex Story gay)

Published by : docile78000 the 07/06/2019 in the Gay erotic stories
C etait il y a quelque temps déjà, par une nuit chaude au environ d 1h du matin, je fumais une cigarette avant de reprendre ma moto, quand un mec en porsche bien habiller s arrête à ma hauteur et me fais signe de m approcher pensant qu il allait me demander son chemin je suis penché a sa vitre.Il me dit que je suis mignon et me demande ce que je fais là.Je lui reponds que je fume une cigarette avant de reprendre la route, il me proppose de monter dans sa voiture faire un petit tour, j hésite see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Submission/domination, Threesomes
The sex shop was located in the city center, in an old building, only a small inscription on the door indicated the nature of this really discreet place. It was surrounded by shops of all kinds, but they were also dilapidated. Inside, shelves of video cassettes, displays with all sorts of sex-toys and shelves of lingerie lined the walls, the color of which you couldn't guess because they were so dirty. The room was no more than 50 m2, at the bottom right, a staircase went upstairs which led to a see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Submission/domination, BDSM, Uro/Scat, European, Trav, Threesomes

My first time (suite 1) (Sex Story gay)

Published by : DOCILE the 09/06/2017 in the Gay erotic stories
The next day I woke up to a caress on my buttocks, I turned to him and he kissed me greedily. Then he gets up and opens the curtains and asks me: “Did you sleep well my little whore? " " Yes very good thank you ! ". I get up in my turn and put on the satin kimono jacket, I realize that it is really transparent. But that's all I have to wear. After lunch, he tells me that he is going to go shopping and that I can take the opportunity to go wash up. In the shower, I decided to make myself an enema see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Submission/domination, Uro/Scat, Trav, Threesomes